Privacy Policys
- Guests are not allowed to access the kitchen except for guests with infants with prior permission.
- Guests cannot invite other guests and day visitors during their stay.
- Bachelor groups & stag parties are not allowed.
- We do not encourage parties and late-night revelry. Loud music is not permitted beyond 10 pm.
- Consumption of alcohol is permitted only within limits.
- Illegal activities including but not limited to carrying/consuming drugs/narcotics and carrying firearms/weapons are prohibited on the property. Management reserves the right to report any such activities to local authorities.
- Guests are prohibited from smoking and setting up hookahs in the rooms/villa/lawns.
- The pool (if present) is unguarded. There is no lifeguard on site. Children in the pool must be accompanied by adults at all times.
- Guests are requested to take care of all personal valuables. Management is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to any items.
- As required by law, every guest above 18 years must carry government-approved photo ID proof, that shows address. We accept only Aadhar Cards, Driving Licenses and Passports.
- Inappropriate behaviour or violation of any of the above House Rules will invite a polite refusal to accept a Booking. If already checked in, Management reserves the right to ask guests to leave.
- Tea/Coffee will be served during breakfast and evening tea time. If you would like tea/coffee at any other time of the day, it can be arranged at an additional charge.
- No crackers or colours are permitted in this home.
- All payments for booking the villa, including meals will have to be pre-paid prior to checkin. Security Deposit collected during booking will be returned during check-out or by NEFT within 5 business days after check-out, provided no damages are observed. To avoid inconvenience, we will not be accepting cash onsite for any reasons henceforth.
- Security deposit is to be paid two days prior to check-in. If no damages are observed, the deposit will be returned during check-out itself or by NEFT within 5 business days after check-out. Please Note: The Security Deposit is subject to change depending upon the number of nights and the group size. Please check with your holiday advisor at the time of booking.
- Security Deposit: ₹ 5000 per room